We're helping to restore our planet with Eden: People+Planet, one tree at a time.
We benefit from ingredients from the plant world, so it’s only fair that we help restore it, which is why we’ve partnered with Eden: People+Planet to plant a tree for every order we receive.

They work with local communities to restore forests on a massive scale, thereby creating jobs, protecting ecosystems and helping mitigate climate change.
The mission: To offer the dignity of fair employment to people living in impoverished communities, who become transformational agents of global forest restoration.
The vision: Their global restoration network is creating livelihoods for millions of people living in extreme poverty by empowering them to restore and protect forests on a massive scale.

We're helping to restore our planet with Eden: People+Planet, one tree at a time.
We benefit from ingredients from the plant world, so it’s only fair that we help restore it, which is why we’ve partnered with Eden: People+Planet to plant a tree for every order we receive.

They work with local communities to restore forests on a massive scale, thereby creating jobs, protecting ecosystems and helping mitigate climate change.
The mission: To offer the dignity of fair employment to people living in impoverished communities, who become transformational agents of global forest restoration.
The vision: Their global restoration network is creating livelihoods for millions of people living in extreme poverty by empowering them to restore and protect forests on a massive scale.

Where are the trees planted?
Eden: People+Planet have developed relationships with a range of local communities across the world. They work alongside them to produce, plant, and protect tens of millions of trees every month, thereby creating jobs to support in restoring their local environment and economy long-term.
Currently trees are planted in the following locations:
Madagascar, Mozambique, Kenya, Ethiopia, Nepal, Indonesia, The Philippines, Haiti, Central America, Brazil
How does reforestation help?
Because our polar ice caps are melting faster than anyone imagined possible, keeping the planet cool rests on the shoulders of tropical forests.
When we plant trees to restore forests, we are helping to create 37% of the CO2 needed to stop the earth’s temperature from rising.
Forests can stop runaway global heating, encourage rainfall, guarantee clean water, reduce air pollution, and provide livelihoods for local people and reserves for wildlife.
Here at WildMint we believe that all forms of life, in all its diversity is beautiful, are valuable and important.
And even though planting a tree may seem like a small effort in light of all there is to do, we also know that every tree helps!

Thank You!
With your support and our commitment to planting a tree for every order, we aim to significantly help replenish the world's forests.
We hope to make a positive impact on the conservation and protection of forests, which provide numerous benefits for the environment and society.